Saturday, October 2, 2021

I'm back I think

 My previous post is the first one in over 4 months - even when moving house I haven't had such a long break away from my blog. Coming back is always difficult because you forget the simplest of things on the computer. I wish I could tell you that I have been super busy or solving 3rd world problems but no , nothing so exciting. 

I have tidied and sorted and decluttered until I can do no more and just when I was happy with my little space I had my second covid vaccine and for a long time after I just felt like crap. Every morning it was something different , headaches , sore throat , flu like symptoms, .I did the bare minimum of housework and now that Spring is here in the Southern hemisphere I have to catch up. 

Too much time spent on You tube watching this man with his sketch layouts, if you like to work with a sketch John is on his 90th layout . I did also buy a few stamps in the hope I would get back to being crafty.

1 comment:

Wendy L said...

It looks wonderful too, but I am going to pop over and look now, xxx